Friday Five Moments

Four weeks down working from home and who knows how many to go. Our shared reality is puzzling right now and we’re all doing what it takes to get by. Wishing you a little light this Easter long weekend. And it goes without saying, thank you to each and every one of our essential service…

Friday Five Moments

Spring! It’s inching closer. I wish I could say this winter was one of rest… it was anything but. It’s been the most wonderful few months and I can’t shake my goood feeling about 2020. Happy weekending. Dine Out 2020 | B and I stuck with our tradition of dining out in January. A set…

Friday Five Moments

With January settling in, I’m very much in a new year mood—busy pondering goals and transitioning to 30. The holidays were time well spent with family and friends, over drinks, long ocean walks and taking in Christmas lights. Here’s five moments I cherished. Gifted | A gift from one of my bests before the holidays…

Friday Five Moments

This weekend, we remember the Canadians who put their lives on the line to provide us with the freedom we so dearly cherish. I’m looking forward to some self care, time spent working on a project with B and a birthday celebration. Wishing you rest and growth. The North Saskatchewan River | A trip to…

Friday Five Moments

Later this afternoon, I’m taking off on a impromptu trip to Budapest, Hungary. I’m so looking forward to being in Europe—the exploration, architecture, walking and food. Until then, a few highlights from my day to day. Enjoy the weekend and happy Thanksgiving! Home ware | How perfect is this wood plaque? Fact: prosecco has less…